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Laura Higgins, Dementia Advocacy project, Patsy Corcoran, Volunteer Development Manager, and Sue Read, CEO, enjoyed a lovely, jolly evening at the National Advocacy awards on Thursday 12th May, in Birmingham. The Dementia Advocacy project at BJF was shortlisted for the Outstanding Service category, but sadly did not win. Whilst disappointing, it was indeed an honour to be shortlisted at these prestigious awards, especially the first time we had nominated ourselves, and we made many useful connections on the night itself.

The judging panel said they were  ‘…impressed with the impact of this service through working with other community groups, Universities, through direct advocacy , training and their group work, but above all through making connections.’.

This category was won by Connected Voice (Safeguarding). However, on the night, for the first the ever, a Lifetime Achievement Award was presented, and we were delighted to see that the winner of this was our very own Patsy Corcoran! It was a total surprise for Patsy, and was awarded because of the 20 years+ advocacy support she has provided and the impact she has made during this time on people and the advocacy family. As one person said ‘Patsy has brought so much to the advocacy community over the years and we’re incredibly blessed /lucky /grateful to have had her insights, perspectives, hard work and voice influencing the sector and creating change for so many people...’.

Here at BJF we are delighted for Patsy on this wonderful achievement that reflects the dedication and continuous quality advocacy support that she has consistently provided. We feel blessed (and very lucky) that she has joined us at the BJF, bringing with her all her skills, expertise and knowledge to inform our existing fabulous team.

Many congratulations, Patsy.
Professor Sue Read, CEO, BJF

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