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Dementia Champions

Introduction to Dementia Champions: Learning Together

Dementia Champions help people with dementia to feel welcome and included in everyday life. Dementia Champions aim to:

  • share information, experiences and stories to help raise awareness and change attitudes of dementia in communities 
  • reduce the fear and stigma of dementia by helping people to understand how dementia affects people and what can help
  • make small changes to the environment to help people with dementia to feel comfortable, welcome and included.

Understand the impact of dementia, explore welcoming spaces and promote positive experiences for people living with dementia:

BJF have been busy working in partnership with MHA and FHC  (Even Better Together project) to grow our Dementia Champions network. We work together to explore what it means to live with dementia, human rights and advocacy, and dementia-friendly places and spaces. 

We now have 50+ Dementia Champions who have completed a number of Learning Together sessions and are putting their learning into practice every day. Volunteers, staff, students and senior managers have all worked together to think about people’s rights, strategies for positive support and giving people with dementia a warm welcome in our communities. We visit MHA and FHC community groups, starting Dementia Conversations and growing our Dementia Champions network.  

Between March and June 2025 we are visiting community groups for Dementia Conversations and to help raise awareness about dementia, people’s rights and dementia-friendly communities. For more information about BJF Dementia Champions sessions online or Dementia Conversations in the community, contact us

Dementia Champions Gallery

Dementia Champions Resources

 Explore the sections below to find links to useful resources from a range of organisations. 

Even Better Together

A partnership project BJF, MHA and FHC.

 Funded and supported by the  National Lottery Community Fund

To find out more about the services on this page:

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