Dementia Friendly Guides
For information and resources please click on the links below.
DEEP Guide Writing Dementia-friendly Information
Author: The Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project (DEEP)
A guide about writing information for people with dementia. The focus is on writing in a way that is easy to understand and includes style, language, length and layout.
Keywords: Dementia, Dementia-friendly, Information, Written Information, Language
Reference: Creating a dementia-friendly YORK by JRF (Joseph Rowntree Foundation)
Dementia-Friendly Environment Checklist
Author: Alzheimer’s Society
A checklist with tips and suggestions for organisers of events for people with dementia covering quiet space, signage, lighting, flooring, changing rooms and toilets, seating and navigation.
Keywords: Dementia, Dementia-Friendly, Space, Signage, Lighting, Flooring, Toilets, Seating, Navigation
Dementia-Friendly Guide for Tourism Businesses
Author: Visit England [et al.]
A practical guide to support tourism businesses with how to become more dementia-friendly through top tips, case studies, and signposting to further resources. This guide highlights small and simple low or no cost changes businesses can make to become accessible and inclusive for people with dementia, their carers and loved ones.
Keywords: Dementia, Dementia-friendly, Tourism, Carers
Dementia-Friendly Meeting Guidelines
Author: Scottish Dementia Working Group (SDWG)
A tick list of issues to consider when organising meetings for people with a diagnosis of dementia. The guidelines cover items applying to all meetings like timing, presentations, speakers, workshops, paperwork, notes and instructions. There are additional guidelines on On-line & hybrid meetings and on In-person meetings.
Keywords: Dementia, Meetings, Presentations, Speakers, Workshops, Paperwork
Dementia-Friendly Tourism Top Tips
Author: Age UK Norfolk
An overview with tips, hints and suggestions provided by people with dementia and their carers for the tourism industry to become more accessible and inclusive. Subjects covered are: carers, mealtimes, location, signage, furniture, décor, clocks.
Keywords: Dementia, Dementia-friendly, Tourism, Carers, Mealtimes, Signage, Clocks
How to Make Your Age UK Dementia Friendly: a guide to making mainstream services accessible to people with dementia
Author: Age UK
This guide considers different ways that your local Age UK branch can complement, to tailor their services to the needs of people with dementia. It covers areas like empowering your team to support and listen to people with dementia. The guide also includes accessibility of buildings, how to work with local and regional partners and how to make use of internal resources.
Content on page 3
Keywords: Dementia, Dementia Friendly, Services
Paths for All: Dementia and the Outdoor Guidance Note. Dementia Friendly Walking
Author: Path for All [Scotland]
A guide with recommendations for widening the outdoors accessibility and for making the open air space dementia-friendly. It covers barriers to access and way finding, provides general design guidelines and discusses, signage and other way finding aides. There is guidance on paths, facilities and transport.
Contents on page 2
Keywords: Dementia, Dementia-friendly, Outdoors, Walking, Transport, Guidance

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