
Linking Generations Northern Ireland

Linking Generations Northern Ireland (LGNI) has led the way in connecting generations in communities across Northern Ireland since 2009 and are the only organisation solely focusing on the development and promotion of intergenerational approaches to address societal issues.

We are part of the Beth Johnson Foundation (former host of the UK Centre for Intergenerational practice) based in Stoke-on-Trent; who were responsible for the development of intergenerational practice as a professional/specific approach in the UK and associated training and resources to support this. LGNI operate in Northern Ireland but shares learning, practice and resources developed in partnership with BJF and also works closely with Generations Working Together in Scotland.

LGNI’s vision is that Northern Ireland will be a place where all generations are respected, understood, connected, and engaged together in their communities. To achieve LGNI offer opportunities to bring generations together in lots of different places for lots of different reasons.  They work at three levels: bringing generations together in communities, influencing and supporting intergenerational practice within organisations and using evidence from their work to influence policy.

LGNI’s core services include

To find out more about the services on this page:

For more information please visit the Linking Generations Northern Ireland Website

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