Understanding Advocacy
For information and resources please click on the links below.
The Advocacy Charter
Author: National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi)
A set of principles that guide advocacy work and define what effective advocacy is
Keywords: Advocacy, Charter, Confidentiality, Empowerment, Safeguarding
The Advocacy Charter [Easy Read]
Author: National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi)
A set of principles that guide advocacy work and define what effective advocacy is
Keywords: Advocacy, Charter, Confidentiality, Empowerment, Safeguarding
Advocacy in Dementia Care
Author: Social Care Wales
This flyer explains the role of the advocate in dementia care ensuring that people with dementia have their voices heard, that they can express their wishes and their rights are safeguarded, with reference to the The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Code of Practice on Advocacy.
Keywords: Advocacy, Dementia Care, Human Rights, Mental Capacity Act 2005, Code of Practice on Advocacy
Dealing with Stigma and Discrimination
Author: Dementia UK
In this document the authors explain the concept of stigma and discrimination towards people with a diagnosis of dementia, with a focus on young people and ethnic minorities with this diagnosis. They discuss the potential effects of stigma and discrimination on people with early onset dementia and how to prevent or manage them.
Sources of Support on page 10
Keywords: Dementia, Early Onset Dementia, Stigma, Discrimination, Young People, Ethnic Minorities
De-Escalation Tips
Author: Crisis Prevention Institute
10 De-Escalation Tips to help you respond to difficult behaviours in the safest, most effective way possible. The tips range from being empathic and non-judgmental, setting limits and avoiding overreaction.
Keywords: De-Escalation, Empathy, Non-judgemental, Respect, Language, Overreaction, Challenging Behaviour, Limits, Reflection
Dementia and Human Rights: A practitioner’s guide
Author: British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR), in partnership with Bristol’s Dementia Wellbeing Service (Devon Partnership NHS Trust and the Alzheimer’s Society).
This booklet is about human rights and dementia care. It is aimed at professionals working in dementia care settings, in hospital or in the community . This information may also be useful for people using dementia care services, their family or carers.
Keywords: Dementia, Human Rights, Care Settings, Carers
Different types of advocacy and people’s rights to access it
Author: National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi)
Review of Advocacy for people with a learning disability and or autistic people who are inpatients in mental health, learning disability or autism specialist hospitals
Keywords: Advocacy, Learning Disability, Autism, Inpatient
‘Hear what I say’ Developing dementia advocacy services
Author: Dementia North/Northumbria University (Cantley, Steven and Smith)
This report provides an overview of what is known about current [2003] practice in dementia advocacy and makes suggestions about how to establish new services and develop existing services. You will find examples of independent dementia advocacy, models of dementia advocacy as well as suggestions and advice for advocates on working with people with dementia
Keywords: Dementia. Advocacy
Planning Now for Your Future: advance care planning
Author: Dementia UK
This booklet explains what advanced care planning is and provides tips and hints on how to plan and record your future wishes and priorities of care. It covers subjects like Advance Decisions to Refuse Treatment (ADRT) and how to make a will. You will also find a glossary of terms related to advanced care planning.
Keywords: Care, Future, Will, Refuse Treatment
Supporting Dementia Self Advocates: A Directory of Resources
Author: Alzheimer’s Society
This resource was created to signpost to existing dementia and non-dementia specific resources to support people impacted by dementia to engage in campaign activity. The resource can also be used by those working with people impacted by dementia. Resources are categorised into dementia-specific and non-dementia specific and then classified under themes. Each resource is specified by type (toolkit, practical tip, factsheet or video) and also includes the barrier to inclusion it addresses.
Keywords: Advocacy, Dementia, Dementia events, Language, Self-advocacy, Human rights, Safeguarding
Capacity and Decision-making
Author: Dementia UK
A guide defining the concept of capacity and decision-making for people who have been diagnosed with dementia. Includes tips on how to support the person to make financial decisions, as well as decisions on health, care and living arrangements.
Keywords: Dementia, Decision Making, Finances, Health, Care and Living Arrangements
Voices for Hope Toolkit
Author: Dementia Singapore
Organised by Dementia Singapore, Voices for Hope is a 10-week empowerment programme for PLWDs and Care Partners. The programme was introduced and piloted in 2019, to 1. Equip participants with relevant skills, and 2. Foster confidence to actively share their stories, needs and views publicly. This toolkit was launched to kickstart a virtuous cycle of sharing and feedback as more organisations run the programme.
Keywords: Advocacy, Dementia, Early Onset Dementia, Empowerment, Stigma, Living Well

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