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What we do

At the Beth Johnson Foundation, we want everyone to enjoy a great later life. By listening to, learning from, and sharing people’s stories of ageing, we can work together to help build a future for all ages.  We share the voices of older people and push for positive changes in our communities.

Our Mission and Values statement highlights the charity’s aims and objectives, all our activities are centred around engaging and listening to older community members. Visit our engagement and involvement page to find out more. 

If you are living with dementia you can find support to have your voice heard by contacting the BJF Dementia advocacy project. We also host the Dementia peer group where you can meet with other people with a dementia diagnosis, make new friends and gain support.

If you find it difficult to get online and would like help to use your smart phone, tablet or laptop, the BJF Digital Inclusion project offers engagement events and individual support.

The BJF Bereavement friendship project  has been developed to offer support and friendship to people who have experienced bereavement through groups and befriending.

Positive ageing means maintaining health and wellbeing as we get older – we have hosted a variety of groups and activities to suit your needs.  

If you have arthritis or a muscular skeletal condition, BJF has a joint project with the Haywood Foundation – the PIER project which can offer information, support and signposting.

When you visit your GP with a problem that is not medical, you may be signposted to see a Social Prescriber who can help you to connect to the most appropriate support. 

The Beth Johnson Foundation has undertaken dozens of Research and Evaluation projects over the years and has a great deal of experience with a wide range of groups and individuals, we would be happy to talk to you about your project evaluation or undertaking research.

We have a wide range of publications and reports which cover a variety of subjects and areas of interest, find out more here – we also have some printed copies, please get in touch for more information.

BJF regularly has new activities and projects to offer and we are keen to work with other groups and individuals to develop projects to meet our aims and objectives.  Please keep an eye on our news pages and let us know if you have ideas or suggestions for future activities

To find out more about the services on this page:

Contact us using our online form, or call us on: +44 (0)1782 844036